Welcome to PasstheMic75
A podcast and story collection to honor our 50th reunion.
We want to hear from you — so please join us! All you need to do is pair up online with a classmate, roommate, mentor, partner, child, relative or parent — and share your voices, wisdom and hearts.
Contact stories@passthemic75.org and we’ll provide all the tools you need: directions on how to record a 25-40 minute conversation, and a list of possible questions you might consider asking; help in making contact if you need it. Your recorded interview will be edited to 7–15 minutes for everyone’s listening pleasure, and then will be posted on the Listen page.
Remember: Everyone has a story.
PasstheMic75 Steering Committee
Joy Horowitz, Sukie Amory, Sarah Crichton, Jeff Melvoin, Avarita Hanson, Gil Kerr, Roger Greenbaum, Peter Agoos, Yan Chow, Louise Gessel, Rick Lyon